Simplify, Analyze, & Visualize Your Data
Open Source Plugin
Easily integrate with your existing query languages, including Python, NodeJs, and SQL.
Automated Data Ingestion
Middleware ingests, discovers, analyzes, and visualizes your data across sources and languages.
Expanded Insights
Gain full visibility into query choices and performance across various databases and platforms.
Diverse Data Transformation
Reduce and transform large amounts of data into specific and relevant pieces of information.
Scalable Technology
Reduce and transform large amounts of data into specific and relevant pieces of information.
Data-Driven Success Guaranteed
Instant insights for faster, better decision making.
Actionable Insights at Your Fingertips
- Get started in minutes and gain instant knowledge of queries running and recently finished
- Empower team-wide collaboration with customizable dashboards and real-time sharing.
- Adapt your technology to your current and future needs with a scalable solution.

Empower Decision Making
- Turn data into insights that drive decision making with multi-language charts and visualizations
- Manage your data and analytics held in a relational database system for streamlined processing.
- Enhance collaboration with customizable dashboards and real-time sharing.

Simplify Data Management
- Streamline processing with a relational database system.
- Scale your technology to meet current and future needs.
- Tap into actionable insights with instant knowledge of queries.